Nagato W/ Itachi

Nagato W/ Itachi

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


In this video, we can see that, in some places in Colombia, the Afro Community is discriminated against, because their traditions, their way to dress, they appearance, just because it doesn’t fit in their customs. Thanks to this, they’ve been rejected in most of the jobs, just leaving to them the “Work for the minority”. The jobs they can aspire are like labor, construction and some other jobs that are seem as, insignificant or despicable.  This has caused poverty in those communities. Adding to it, if they can get a Job, they have to change some traditionally things in order to can work on it.  It doesn’t matter if they have a career, just for be Black, they would be discriminated. They sometimes are discriminated for the area they are living, the zone.  If we continue doing this, we will be keeping denying our roots.

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