Hope You Enjoy it! :D
Nagato W/ Itachi

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013
Kenyan Matatu Drivers
1. How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC?
They were treated by the police like offenders, even when they haven't done anything. Just because they are trying to survive in a hard environment that is not providing the jobs needed by the persons. Yes, maybe they some times have to break some rules, but that is in order to try, at least, one job to live. Adding to it, thanks to the corruption, that is a "easy way to earn money" for the police.
Plus, when he was helping to the BBC, there was a misunderstanding cause by some stereotypes, and (for me) a lag of personality and self esteem, because, a person thought that they will "go back to UK and tell their friends that they were in Africa and captured some very interesting shots of monkeys ". That was very disappointed.
But at the end he could understand that, some things, may start bad, but have a "happy ending"
2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?
Well, actually, we have, and worst. Because we don't only thing they are dangerous in the street, or that they are breaking a lot of rules, we think that insecurity has increase thanks to mototaxistas. Maybe, because all the robs are made in motos.
martes, 12 de marzo de 2013
In this
video, we can see that, in some places in Colombia, the Afro Community is
discriminated against, because their traditions, their way to dress, they
appearance, just because it doesn’t fit in their customs. Thanks to this,
they’ve been rejected in most of the jobs, just leaving to them the “Work for
the minority”. The jobs they can aspire are like labor, construction and some
other jobs that are seem as, insignificant or despicable. This has caused poverty in those communities.
Adding to it, if they can get a Job, they have to change some traditionally
things in order to can work on it. It
doesn’t matter if they have a career, just for be Black, they would be discriminated.
They sometimes are discriminated for the area they are living, the zone. If we continue doing this, we will be keeping
denying our roots.
martes, 19 de febrero de 2013
Response about the video (Tinariwen - Iswegh Attay )
In this
video we can see, and more than that, feel, the message they were trying to
send us, about how their lives are. About the social problematic that is
affecting their life, and how makes them to feel like. The pain they have and
their wish of freedom. ("This pain is burden"-"I'd fly off like
a bird") is expressed more than once in this video (actually, through all
the video) in order to share their feelings with all the people, and show, as
representatives of their culture, the wish of "fly off". They're
showing the most pure feeling of the human race, the wish of peace, but more
than that, the inner peace. This culture is fighting for a future, their
future. In this video we can appreciate a ritual, the Tea Ritual, it has to
have some meaning, because they aren't serving the Tea just for one person, at
the end, we can see, that the guy who is drinking it, left some glass of Tea,
like inviting us to join to this ritual, to this tradition, to this feeling,
maybe just like friends, maybe as an active part.
miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013
Maybe the
most important moment of Egypt in this last 5 years was their revolution on
January 25 2011, when the nation rose against the political domination and
tyranny of Hosni Mubarak and his cabinet. But, exactly, what happened? What was the reason of this revolution, and
what happened after? What have changed?
Egypt is
known around the all world because their culture, their traditions, and the
movies about it, to be honest, ¿Who didn't see "The mummy" or
"The Gods must be crazy" or any movie like these? We all have some
knowledge about Egypt. Also, Egypt is known thanks to the Pyramids and the
Nile. But...is this all "Egypt"?
revolution is nothing new for Egyptians, because this is the 3rd revolution in
the last 100 years, but this was the biggest and unprecedented, compared with
the previous ones. The reasons of the revolution, basically, were: The
corruption in the government, excess of police brutality, the shortage of food
and housing, the emergency state and laws, restrictions on free speech and the
press, the unemployment and poor living conditions, inter.
Adding to
it, the Egypt people were tired of 30 years of tyrannical domination performed
by Mubarak, a person that have done nothing for the poor people and try to
change their condition, instead, the rich are richer and the poor are poorer.
They didn't
do the revolution just for an idea, or a social-politic movement, they did it
looking for a change, looking for a better life, a decent life.
And they
obtained "a change". Hosni Mubarak renounced to his charge, after 18
days, in which there were killings, a time of terror and fear in the streets,
death, destruction and crimes. Almost 900 people were killed and more than
6.000 were affected by this (injured, prisoners, or kidnaped).
But…¿Has it
really changed? Well, now days, in words of the same people “the rich is still
rich and the poor are getting “more poorer”” because they have to work in about
5 jobs ONLY to pay ONE bill. They thought that choosing Mohammed Morsi they
would get a change, but they didn't.
Now they
are planning to do another revolution to get the change they want, but, ¿Will
Egyptians someday get peace, or is this just a utopia?
miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013
Introducing Myself
Hi everyone! I'm Randy Consuegra Ortega I'm gonna be a System Engineer. I'm from Barranquilla Colombia...well actually I'm living here yet! This is a great country! I love this beautiful and really interesting piece of heaven. I'm kinda shy jejejeje, I love to do a lot of things, but I'm gonna post about them later. I'm Christian, I'm only child, I'm kinda crazy...I'm me! I love the music, ALL KIND OF MUSIC actually, specially hardcore!
I'm a friendly person, I want and I like to know people from other countries and around the world, to know their cultures. I'm 18 years old, I like manga and anime. I want to be (If you let me) your friend, or a person you can trust at least. If I can help you, let me know, and I would try to do my best in orden to assist you.
Well, I think this is it. I have nothing more to say, by now, so, If you wanna know anything more, send me a message. If you see me in the streets, or in the University, you can say me "Hi" without any trouble, I say "hi" to almost everyone! :3
So, see ye later! God Bless u! =D
Well, I think this is it. I have nothing more to say, by now, so, If you wanna know anything more, send me a message. If you see me in the streets, or in the University, you can say me "Hi" without any trouble, I say "hi" to almost everyone! :3
So, see ye later! God Bless u! =D
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